Welcome to the Condatis news blog
Welcome to the first edition of the Condatis news blog! Thanks for stopping by. If you pop by regularly, you will see how Condatis is developing, how it is being used and how it is helping to support conservation decisions. This website is also the home of the Condatis network, which will connect people working on landscape scale conservation and habitat connectivity and provide a forum for knowledge exchange.
The Condatis knowledge exchange network is lucky enough to have a host of wonderful partners already on board, but we’d love to have more! We hope the network will grow to include policy makers and influencers, land management partnerships, conservation practitioners, ecologists, consultants, data providers, records centres, academics and other sectors we haven’t even thought of yet. You don’t need to be using Condatis, if you are interested landscape connectivity and in tools for spatial decision making, you are welcome. We want to stay connected to all of you, and to help connect you all together as well. We will be hosting meetings for knowledge exchange about ecological connectivity and habitat restoration at least once a year and you can also keep in touch via this website. If you take a tour of the website you will find a discussion forum, details of developing case studies, help and support with the software, events and, of course, this regular news blog (although some of this may still be under construction right now). Get in touch to join the mailing list for updates about training, events and news.
The aim is to blog at least once a month, and sometimes more often when lots of exciting stuff is going on. We will cover how the project is developing, new case studies, software updates, hints and tips for making it work for you and much more. In fact, please kick off the comments by telling us what you want from this news blog! We would love to have contributions from guest writers, either about their experiences with Condatis or with news about the wider world of landscape connectivity. If something interesting is happening in your sector that is relevant to the project, please do consider writing a guest post. Get in touch to discuss your ideas.
Our door is always open, so please comment, discuss, contribute, email, tweet and generally stay in touch. We look forward to working with you and to hearing about your projects and how they are joining up the landscape.
The Condatis team